Communities of faith are a safe heaven for most people in our communities and religious leaders are mostly the first point of contact for support with with both physcical and mental health. Howver, research shows that there religious leaders don't feel well-equiped to support there members and the health services are not equiped to give spiritual support. There is therefore a gap that needs to be filled to better support members of our community. As we know, there is a very thin line between spirituality and mental health and it's important to know the difference.
This training package is if for both individuals, practioners and relegious leaders and it is set to equip them with the knowldge and the skills to;
- sensitively and confidently start mental health conversations.
- comfortably and sensitively challenge mental health stigma
- become aware of the main mental health conditions
- explore the thin line between spirituality and mental health.
- meaningfully SELF-CARE