Substance use & Misuse is more common than we think, and it fuels an epidemic of violence and criminality thus destroying people’s lives and causing havoc in our communities—it is a real public health concern and one that needs to be everybody’s business.
What is Substance abuse & misuse? It is the improper way of using legal drugs that are supposed to be used as medication while drug abuse is the inappropriate pattern of using any legal or illegal drugs thereby negatively affecting them psychologically, socially, physically etc. Some of the commonly abused substances area; alcohol, cannabis, cocaine.
This training package will equip you with the knowledge and skills to
- Differentiate between the different types of drugs and the prevalence of use
- Spot the signs and symptoms of someone under the influence of substance use
- Analyse and explain the impact of drugs & alcohol use on the individual, the family, and friends
- Sensitively and confidently support someone living with drugs and alcohol use.
- List the support services and know the access pathway.